``bpfilter`` ============ .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Users Overview usage/index .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Developers developers/build developers/style developers/tests developers/packets_processing developers/generation developers/modules/index developers/fronts/index .. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: External external/benchmarks/index external/coverage/index ``bpfilter`` is a BPF-based packet filtering framework. It is composed of a shared library (``libbpfilter``) and a daemon (``bpfilter``). The ``bpfilter`` daemon running on the system receives a request from a client (``iptables``, ``nftables``, or any other client that could be created) and converts the client-provided ruleset into one or more BPF program(s). If you want to try ``bpfilter`` with ``nftables`` or ``iptables``, have a look at :doc:`usage/index` and :doc:`developers/build`. If you want to know more about ``bpfilter``'s internals, take a look at the following talks about the project: * `BPF and firewall: kernel support to ease more complex packets filtering (LSFMMBPF 2023) `_ * `bpfilter: a BPF-based packet filtering framework (All Systems Go 2023) `_ * `bpfilter: a BPF-based packet filtering framework (Linux Plumbers Conference 2023) `_ * `Netfilter or eBPF? Use both with bpfilter! (FOSDEM 2024) `_ * `bpfilter: packet filtering with BPF and nftables (Scale21x) `_