
bpfilter runtime context. This file contains the definition of the bf_context structure, which is the main structure used to store the daemon’s runtime context.

bf_context can be serialized and deserialized, including all of its fields. This way, bpfilter can be restarted without unloading the BPF programs and maps.

Like every other bf_* structure, most bf_* functions should expect a valid pointer to a bf_context structure. This is not exactly how it works for bf_context : public functions defined in this header do not require any bf_context , but those are only wrappers around private functions defined in context.c, which do expect a valid pointer to a bf_context. This is done to prevent the user from creating and manipulating multiple contexts, while keeping the API consistent with the other bf_* structures.


int bf_context_setup(void)

Initialise the global bpfilter context.


0 on success, negative error code on failure.

void bf_context_teardown(bool clear)

Teardown the global bpfilter context.

  • clear – If true, all the BPF programs will be unloaded before clearing the context.

void bf_context_dump(prefix_t *prefix)

Dump content of the context.

  • prefix – Prefix to use for the dump.

int bf_context_save(struct bf_marsh **marsh)

Marshel the global bpfilter context.

  • marsh – bf_marsh structure to fill with the marshalled context.


0 on success, negative error code on failure.

int bf_context_load(const struct bf_marsh *marsh)

Unmarshal the global bpfilter context.

Once this function completes, the global context has been restored from the marshalled context. On failure, the global context is left uninitialized.

  • marsh – bf_marsh structure containing the marshalled context.


0 on success, negative error code on failure.

struct bf_cgen *bf_context_get_cgen(enum bf_hook hook, enum bf_front front)

Get codegen for a given (hook, front) set.

  • hook – Hook to get the codegen from. Must be a valid hook.

  • front – Front-end to get the codegen from. Must be a valid front-end.


The codegen for the given hook and front-end, or NULL if there is no such codegen.

struct bf_cgen *bf_context_take_cgen(enum bf_hook hook, enum bf_front front)

Take a codegen out of the context for a given (hook, front) set.

The codegen returned must then be freed by the caller. It’s not part of the context anymore.

  • hook – Hook to get the codegen from. Must be a valid hook.

  • front – Front-end to get the codegen from. Must be a valid front-end.


The codegen for the given hook and front-end, or NULL if there is no such codegen.

void bf_context_delete_cgen(enum bf_hook hook, enum bf_front front)

Delete a codegen from the context for a given (hook, front) set.

If a corresponding codegen has been found, then it is removed from the context and deleted. Otherwise the context remain unchanged.

  • hook – Hook to get the codegen from. Must be a valid hook.

  • front – Front-end to get the codegen from. Must be a valid front-end.

int bf_context_set_cgen(enum bf_hook hook, enum bf_front front, struct bf_cgen *cgen)

Add a codegen to the context.

  • hook – Hook to add the codegen to. Must be a valid hook.

  • front – Front-end to add the codegen to. Must be a valid front-end.

  • cgen – Codegen to add to the context. Can’t be NULL.


0 on success, negative error code on failure. If a codegen already exists for the given (hook, front) set, then -EEXIST is returned.

void bf_context_replace_cgen(enum bf_hook hook, enum bf_front front, struct bf_cgen *cgen)

Replace the codegen for a given (hook, front) set, if any.

If a codegen already exists for the given (hook, front) set, then it is deleted and replaced by cgen. Otherwise, cgen is added to the context.

  • hook – Hook to update the codegen for. Must be a valid hook.

  • front – Front-end to update the codegen for. Must be a valid

  • cgen – Codegen to update the context with. Can’t be NULL.

struct bf_context
#include <bpfilter/context.h>

bpfilter working context. Only one context is used during the daemon’s lifetime.

Public Members

struct bf_cgen *cgens[_BF_HOOK_MAX][_BF_FRONT_MAX]

Codegens used by bpfilter. One codegen per (hook, front) set.